Bolt Down Nu-Guard® 31 – Fixing clarification
While Nu-Guard® 31 Guardrail System is traditionally installed with a steel driven post there is also a flange base variant of the post. This post is for use on the NZ Transport Agency concrete ground beam where services or ground conditions do not allow the use of a driven post. This flange based Nu-Guard® 31 post is fixed differently from traditional flange based bridge posts.
The Nu-Guard® 31 bolt down post is fixed to the to the ground beam using a cast in bracket or epoxied threaded socket installed into the concrete. The bolt fixing the post to the cast in is NOT a necked bolt like in bridge post systems. This is because the failure mode in a vehicle impact is the post itself, not the fixing. Therefore the bolt must be a Grade 8.8 M20 x 70 long galvanized set screw.
If cast in brackets or epoxied threaded sockets are required before supply of the barrier system please advise CSP which barrier system they are being used with so the right fixing can be supplied.
For more information: email: or phone CSP on 0800 655 200