CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR HOLIDAY CLOSURE: All CSP sites will be closed from 12pm Friday 20th December to Monday 6th January. Have a safe & happy holidays!
03 April 2023

A word from Neil - April 2023

Our thoughts go out to all our customers, colleagues and people affected by the recent flooding in Auckland and Northland and Cyclone Gabrielle. A big thank you to all the crews out there working continuously to get the roading and telecommunications networks up and running in the affected regions and to the teams of volunteers trying to help those most affected.

A few changes for the CSP Sales Team

Recent changes in the focus of some of our sales team reflects activity levels in the sectors we operate in. We have a strong team at CSP focussed on supporting our customers and delivering the products needed to complete your projects so please get in touch if we can help in any way. Click here to view the team and their areas of responsibility.

Safety a priority

Over the last six months all members of the CSP team have been taking part in a Fletcher Building frontline safety programme which sees the team come together monthly to run through various exercises to highlight the areas of health and safety that matter to everyone. These interactive sessions sometimes include watching a video and then discussing the ramifications as individuals and then as a team. We have also undertaken team exercises to better understand our personal ‘why’ including the impacts of fatigue on ourselves, and our team. Safety is a priority for all our team members and anyone that visits our facilities so it’s not surprising that this excellent programme has been well received by our team and the wider Fletcher Building family.

Specialised products

It's been great seeing some of the more specialised products going through our production facility, such as the telecommunication masts for Kiwirail and poles for the Rotorua Lakes District Council which require a specialised carbomastic coating due to the acidity of the soil in the region.

Should you require help or advice with something that is out of the ordinary talk to one of the team to see if we can help come up with a solution.


Neil Watson
Head of CSP